Since 2005, SPOR has worked ambitiously to highlight and promote the latest soundart, both nationally and internationally.
SPOR's main activity is the annual SPOR festival, which takes place in May at various established venues and alternative locations in Aarhus.
SPOR festival
SPOR's vision is to thematise, actualize and promote the contemporary music and sound art, nationally as well as internationally. SPOR creates a platform for stronger connections to the international sound art and music scenes - and therefore fruitful exchange which can inspire artists and further develop the Danish contemporary music.
The main activity of SPOR is the annual festival, which was held in 2005 for the first time, taking place each year in May in the city of Aarhus, Denmark. Since June 2007 Anne Marqvardsen and Anna Berit Asp Christensen have been the festival directors of SPOR.
Aarhus as the host for SPOR festival originates from a long tradition as a forward looking and visionary platform for the contemporary music and sound art. This position was especially established via the annual NUMUS festival - established and realized by the composer Karl Aage Rasmussen over a period of 25 years, from 1978-2002.
Previous festivals - archive
Article - 15 years with SPOR