Torben Laib
"Hyrna" is a sound installation for sites near the sea. Six transparent plastic cylinders form an air and water reservoir at the same time. They are filled with water by means of submersible pumps, so that air pressure builds up, which escapes from the top of the cylinders via hoses and is fed into a corresponding number of organ pipes.
At the same time, the liquid emerges again at the bottom through small openings and is directed onto a water wheel. This water wheel turns a key that determines how deep the respective organ pipes are immersed in the seawater.
The amount of water that runs out determines the speed of the turning mechanism. The immersion of the organ pipes reduces the resonance chamber, which results in stepless pitch shifts. Thus, a simple organ tone becomes a siren-like sound.
The superimposition of several organ pipes with frequency shifts generates a signal that asserts itself above the water surface.
The waterfront at Poseidon
Kl. 12.00-19.00 torsdag den 23. maj
Kl. 12.00-19.00 fredag den 24. maj
Kl. 10.00-19.00 lørdag den 25. maj
Kl. 10.00-19.00 torsdag den 26. maj