Månekoncert II af Mette Nielsen

Månekoncert II is a concert installation in multiple rooms. Each room represents a stage in sleep and each person experiencing the concert will form their own sleep cycle. Mette Nielsen is a composer who works with ensembles of all sizes; soloists, choirs, and orchestras. For this concert, the audience will dive into their own night experiences, surrounded by strings, song and accordion.


Mika Svensson (bratsch)

Maria Isabel Edlund (cello)

Cæcilie Balling (violin)

Louise Gorm (violin)

Hanne Marie Le Fevre (singer)

Lea Quortrup (singer)

Frederik Rolin (singer)

Stephen Yeseta (singer)

Jónas Ásgeir Ásgeirsson (accordion)


Mette Nielsen - Composer

Louise Beck - Staging

Ordered by SPOR festival 
Supported by Koda Dramatik, Statens Kunstfond, KODA Kultur, Dansk Skuespillerforbund, Musikforlæggerne, William Demant Fonden



Teater Refkleksion


17:00 - 18:00 Thursday May 23.